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Can Green Tea Reduce Stress?

Can Green Tea Reduce Stress?

We're all looking for ways to reduce stress, and now more than ever, it's important to keep a handle on our stress levels so we can live our best, healthiest lives. But when it comes to the many different ways to reduce stress, one of the options you'll certainly want to learn more about is drinking green tea.

Asian countries have used green tea for centuries to treat emotional issues such as depression. But recent studies in 2017 and 2018 have revealed that consuming green tea and matcha may also remedy symptoms of stress and anxiety. So, the answer to that common question is yes: green tea can help reduce stress. Let's explore some of the research that proves it. But before we get into the topic, one popular and fast-acting stress relief strategy for you as a student is allocating your work to a research paper service. Use your free time to read on and learn more about why green tea is beneficial for you.

What Makes Green Tea Effective Against Stress? L-Theanine

Green tea is a great source of vitamins and antioxidants. But green tea is also rich in essential amino acids. Studies have found that the amino acid L-theanine and, to a lesser extent, arginine, can help diminish stress and anxiety. It appears that the main factor is L-theanine’s ability to reduce blood pressure and relax muscle tension.

Green tea appears to be one of the highest sources of L-theanine compared to any other food or beverage tested by science. Drinking green tea can thus provide incredible anti-stress and anti-anxiety effects when consumed daily.

One clinical study on humans in 2017 found a significant and consistent reduction in stress after consuming 15mg/d of L-theanine in green tea for ten days.

(If you're interested in whether green tea can reduce stress, you'll also enjoy this article: Does Green Tea Make You Dehydrated.)

Green Tea has been scientifically studied to reduce stress

Does Matcha have the Same Effect in Stress?

Matcha, as we know, has a concentrated amount of all the chemical compounds in green tea. That’s because it contains not just the green tea leaves but the stems and veins as well. It follows that green tea matcha does contain higher levels of the amino acid L-theanine than those found in sencha green tea.

So, you would expect that matcha would be even more capable of controlling the symptoms of L-theanine. Right? Not so fast.

However, another study published on October 10, 2018, suggests that caffeine blocks the body’s absorption of L-theanine. At least, that is what research confirms. So, matcha, which has a much higher level of caffeine than sencha (about 72 mg versus 30 mg), can block much of the stress-reducing absorption of L-theanine.

The best technique to gain the benefits of L-theanine in matcha is to reduce its caffeine. In the same 2018 study, stress and anxiety reduction were shown from drinking L-theanine-rich matcha when caffeine and ECGC were reduced.


Tea calms me down

Can I Reduce the Caffeine Levels in my Japanese Green Tea?

I did some in-depth research on recent studies addressing the effects of using a microwave to brew green tea.

What I found in the studies is that using the microwave to brew your Japanese green tea extracts about 92% of the caffeine level found in Japanese green tea.

By removing the high levels of caffeine by heating the tea in the microwave, your body will be able to absorb higher levels of L-theanine as well as other beneficial compounds you want from green tea.

(Are you also curious about the role green tea could play in cancer prevention? Read more about it here.)

Green tea has been scientifically studied to reduce stress

Quiz Answer Confirmed

So, if you answered "Yes" to our Quiz Question, you were absolutely correct! By drinking Japanese green tea and matcha—especially if you prepare them by reducing their caffeine content—you can positively affect symptoms of stress and anxiety in your life.

Although you know what an advocate I am for the daily consumption of Japanese green tea, it never ceases to amaze and thrill me when science confirms my promotion of green tea’s healthful benefits.

Let me know how Japanese green tea affects you in positive ways. Until next time, I hope Japanese green tea is part of your healthy daily lifestyle.

This post was first published in 2021, but it was updated in 2023 just for you.

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About the author

Kei Nishida

Author, CEO Dream of Japan

Certification: PMP, BS in Computer Science

Education: Western Washington University

Kei Nishida is a Japanese green tea enthusiast, a writer, and the founder and CEO of Japanese Green Tea Co., a Dream of Japan Company. His passion for introducing America to the tea of his homeland was the catalyst for creating the only company that brings high-quality tea from Arahataen Green Tea Farms to the rest of the world. Learn more about Kei

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