Is matcha originally invented in China or Japan? - Green Tea Quiz
A1: China A2: Japan Read more for the answer.
Green tea originated in China (Though there are theories that prove it originated in the Assam region of India). Shennong, the legendary emperor and father of Chinese medicine and agriculture, is said to have discovered tea around 2700 BC—a well-known myth. Tea plants were discovered in Lancang Valley, Yunnan, and cultivated by the Hemudo tribe between 6000 and 3500 BCE. These facts were confirmed in 2012.
How did matcha come to be?
The word "matcha" is of Chinese origin. The Chinese were the first to grind green tea. However, the Japanese were the ones who invented the method of creating matcha that we know today. The method includes shading, steaming, drying, and grinding tea.
Shading of tea makes the unique taste and chemical composition of matcha. It is believed that this was discovered accidentally when some Japanese tea farmers were trying to protect the tea from freezing by covering the tea leaf.
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